Figure Review: Tomoyo with Apron (Ohtsuka Kikaku)

April 15, 2008

The whole anime blogosphere knows about CLANNAD. Even if it was written in the stars since the beginning of CLANNAD that Nagisa would eventually be the ‘chosen one’ for Tomoya, that did not stop any of us from siding with the likeable other personalities of the supporting cast. While initially a Kotomi fan, Tomoyo grew on me with each episode featuring her, and the promise of an after story devoted to Tomoyo sealed the transition. Also, it just so happened that around the same time, I stumbled upon HappySoda while trying to see some figurine reviews, and if you see the quality of reviews and pictures on that blog, you might understand why I was pushed over the edge of indecision and decided to purchase a figurine. Read the rest of this entry »

Starting Off…

April 13, 2008

Yokoso, Animentality! Random welcome pic is random.

Welcome to the starting point of Animentality, one of the many anime blogs on the Internet. I’m not so sure on what should be a proper beginning for such a blog, but I imagine that it should have something (more or less) on how this blog is going to be, as well as some coverage on the new season of Spring 08 anime. Unfortunately, at point of writing, I can’t say a lot of the new shows are grabbing my attention (currently upkeeping Kanokon and Da Capo II SS), but a few shows have piqued my interest enough, so that lonely list of two is far from set. I may decide to do episodic blog entries as it at least makes me write entries on time, or at least makes me try to anyway. I have a higher tendency to post random musings for serious animes, resulting in possible tl;dr ramblings, so just take this as a word of caution.

That being said, there is much more to anime and otakuism than just the TV (or computer) screen; for me, I take interest in artbooks, anime magazines (MEGAMI woot), conventions, games and even figurines. It’s with that in mind that I will try to post about these such things as well. I’m not exactly very active in any of the fields above (especially conventions), but I will certainly try to keep up with as many as I can. I am a fan of the arcade game Sangokushi Taisen, a hugely popular arcade game in Japan, so you *will* see me go berserk on my post about this game. To be fair, it’s very much anime based, and I’ve always been a fan of the Three Kingdoms story, even if I had to be dragged around by Koei’s reincarnations of it. As an attempt to try and promote the game (or maybe try to justify me rambling about a game no one may understand), I may put up a rough explanation of how the game works.

Hm, ok so let’s review: Possible episodic blogging, ramblings and rantings on random animes, shamelessly showing off acquired anime goods, raving about a game no one outside of Japan may know about and giving personal coverage on any local anime event I attend to? The exit door’s a ‘back’ click away.

But otherwise, welcome to Animentality, and stick around for more.